We all had heard in our teens that the average penis size was six inches. Then some major studies showed that the average penis size was significantly smaller at 5.16 inches. Now there may be a reason to believe it is significantly larger. So why might the average penis size be bigger than we thought?
An interesting new study indicates that the average penis size may be bigger than we thought. This study shows that previous studies may have underestimated the average penis size by 1/2 an inch or more. This would represent a significant statistical difference in average penis size.
So let’s take a look at how this study impacts what we know about the average erect penis size. We will look at how the different studies determined the penis size of men, what the results were, and are these results significant. We will also look at what men can do about their penis size.
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What a new study tells us about average penis size
A study out of King’s College in London indicates that the average penis size could be significantly longer than we previously thought. This study shows that there may be a major problem with many previously accepted studies on the average dick size of men.

Most previous studies have relied on stretched penis length as an accurate substitute for erect penis length. This study showed that this may severely underestimate the actual erect dick size of men.
This new study showed that the average erect penis length was 5.63 inches (14.3 cm). This is about a 1/2 inch longer than what is the commonly accepted average dick length.

You may say that this is only a half inch so what is the big deal? Well, in penis size a half inch is a lot. This represents an almost 10% increase in the average length.
Even more shocking is that this 5.63-inch length would be in the top 25% of all penises according to the currently accepted range of penis length.
What is the current accepted average dick size?

The currently accepted standard for average dick size is a study reported in the BJU International Journal of Urology.
This extensive 2015 compilation of studies involved the measurement of over 15,000 penises. According to this study, the average erect penis had a length of 5.16 inches and a girth (circumference) of 4.5 inches.
This study was a compilation of 20 other studies on average penis size. This study is considered the gold standard due to the size of the study and since all measurements were taken in a clinical environment by professionals and did not rely on men measuring themselves which is notoriously inaccurate.
However, almost all of the measurements in the study involved the use of measuring the stretched flaccid measurement of the penis. The researcher would stretch out the penis and measure the penis along the top from the pubic bone to the tip. This was thought to be a good estimate of the erect penis length.
Check out The Real Truth About Penis Size for more information about this study.
What about this other study on dick size?

This other study entitled “Analysis of the inter-observer variability in penile length assessment” looked at the average penis size in a different way.
This study involving 201 took the measurements of both the stretched flaccid penis and an actual erect penis. They found a significant difference in the two measurements.
The men who were involved in the study achieved a fully rigid erection after receiving intracavernosal injections. This would be an injection similar to Trimix which I have tried before.
Once the full erection was achieved, a researcher measured the penis along the top from the pubic bone to the tip. This erect measurement was compared to the stretched flaccid measurement. The average erect penis length was 5.63 inches and the average stretched penis length was 4.61 inches.

This represents a huge variance in the difference between these two techniques.
Some other interesting info from the study. The average erect penis circumference was 4.6 inches (11.6 cm). The longest erect penis measured in this group was 7.48″ (19 cm) and the shortest was 3.15 inches (8 cm).
The standard deviation in penis size was 0.79 inches (2 cm). So technically speaking, a normal-sized penis would be with two standard deviations of the mean. So anything less than 4 inches would be abnormally small and anything larger than 7.25″ would be abnormally large.
Other studies on average erect penis size

There have been some other studies that look at the average erect penis length of men. These studies also show an average length that is longer than the studies with stretched flaccid lengths.
In the article Do White Men Have A Big Penis?, a British study on the average erect penis size of Caucasian men showed the average penis size to be 5.6 inches.
In the article Do Middle Eastern Men Have Big Penises? Seriously measuring up, erect penis measurements were taken of Saudi Arabian men and the average penis size was found to be 5.64 inches.
This all seems to be very consistent at around that 5.6-inch mark for average erect penis size.
Our personal observations on average penis size

We find that the study on erect average penis size is more in line with our personal observations of penis size than the stretched penis length study. My wife and I are part of the swinger lifestyle (see our sister site SwingerLifestyleGuide.com | Your Swinger Lifestyle Resource).
As part of that lifestyle, we have gone to many clothing-optional resorts where people engage in open sexual activity. We have seen thousands of erect dicks and are really sure that the average is much more than 5.16 inches.
Of course, men who go to this type of resort tend to be a little bigger. This is not anything inherent but is more so that men who are self-conscious of their penis size tend not to go to a place where it is going to be on display. This would skew the numbers a little towards a larger size but the 5.63″ average size really is a lot closer to our observations.
Does it matter if the average penis size is bigger?

Yes, we think that it really matters to determine an accurate average penis size. We all know that a huge number of men are concerned about their penis size.
Without having an accurate number, how does anyone really know if they should be concerned? Penis size is not easily changed but there are a few things that men can do to enlarge their penis. So why shouldn’t men have a good idea of the average erect penis size?
We are tired of people giving grief to men that are concerned about their penis size. Men get treated like lunatics if they even mention to their doctor that they are concerned about their penis.
This is really unfair. Nobody is treated like that when they want to change any other physical characteristic. Losing weight, putting on muscle, coloring your hair, breast enhancement, face lifts, tummy tucks, and more are all accepted and celebrated. But if you are a man worried that you are small, then you are a crazy pervert or something.
Average penis size is constantly portrayed in the media as being important. Women talk about it but then tell you that it is not important. The only ones that don’t seem to be obsessed with it are the medical profession.
As a matter of fact, a recent study shows that women prefer a penis size that is almost an inch longer than the average penis size. Check out The Real Truth About Penis Size for more details.
I am not saying that anyone should obsess about it. Obsessing about anything is bad but there is absolutely nothing wrong with looking at your options when you are unhappy with your penis size.
Where should average penis size studies go from here?

We definitely think that there should be a lot more studies into the average penis size of men. The studies have been really small and inconsistent in techniques and findings.
This study mentioned here was a good study and I believe their findings that the stretched length was less than the erect length. However, they did not provide much information about if you could use stretched length to approximate erect length.
This subject is still very taboo and we hope that in the future there are mainstream studies that really look into this question that is important to so many men.
Is there anything that actually works for male enhancement?

We have found a couple of products that we actually recommend for male enhancement. The most important thing if you are worried about how you compare to the average erect penis size is erection quality.
There is no argument that the first thing to do is make sure that you are getting the most out of what you have. A hard and rigid dick is going to be much bigger than one with a weak erection.
We are huge proponents of the use of acoustic wave therapy to improve erection quality. This was the treatment that the Hollywood elite and the rich and famous have used for years to maintain their erection quality.
Unlike prescription pills or other treatments, acoustic wave therapy doesn’t just mask the symptoms of weak erections. It works to improve your natural ability which declines with age.
It was previously only available in a clinical setting and at an incredible cost that made it prohibitive for most men. Now it is available for at-home use and at an affordable price. We highly recommend you check out the 2024 Phoenix Acoustic Wave Device Review: Improved erection quality? for all the details.

Is there anything that actually works for penis enlargement?

There is no quick and easy answer to real penis enlargement. Scientific studies continue to show that the only way to actually increase the size of your penis is through the use of penis traction devices.
These devices are not like magic penis pills that supposedly increase your penis size quickly. Penis traction devices increase your penis size over time but they do require a little effort.
You can read Do Penis Traction Devices work? My Incredible Results for my complete story of using these devices like the Total Man System and the results I achieved.