After years of working on my penis enlargement goals and wasting thousands of dollars on products like Green Spectra CBD Gummies, I finally figured out how to enlarge the penis. In this Green Spectra CBD Gummies for penis enlargement review, we will answer the question, “Do Green Spectra CBD Gummies work for penis enlargement?”
In general, Green Spectra CBD Gummies will not work to enlarge your penis. Scientific studies have shown that penis enlargement pills do not work and that there is only one proven way to enlarge the penis. We found that the Green Spectra CBD gummies for penis enlargement ads were misleading.
So let’s look at Green Spectra CBD Gummies for penis enlargement. We will look at what this product really is, what penis enlargement results you can expect from Green Spectra CBD Gummies, the price of Green Spectra CBD Gummies, and What Actually Works for Penis Enlargement.
Table of Contents
Our Overall Review of Green Spectra CBD Gummies for Penis Enlargement
Our overall review of the Green Spectra CBD Gummies for penis enlargement is that this claim is a scam. We are basing this review on some incredibly wild penis enlargement claims that we found in an ad on Facebook for this product.

I am not sure if these ads are actually from the actual manufacturers of this product as there is no mention of penis enlargement claims for this product on the product page on Amazon. This makes me wonder if a reseller is making these claims on their own.
The claims on the Amazon page just make claims of aiding with stress & anxiety, focus & clarity, and relaxation. There are no claims of penis enlargement or erection quality. The Facebook ad on the other hand makes totally crazy claims for penis enlargement.
This ad links to a page that makes all of these outlandish claims about penis enlargement. This ad makes claims of possibly adding 4.6 inches in 14 days. I hope that this type of ad would just set off all kinds of alarms in someone.

These claims are totally unrealistic and are obviously false. Penis pills will not increase the size of your penis. If you think about it, there is no process or mechanics by which a pill can increase the size of a penis.
They seem to claim that these pills will give you hard erections which will lead to penis enlargement. While quality erections are important, they will not enlarge your penis. If Viagra doesn’t enlarge your penis then Green Spectra CBD Gummies will not enlarge your penis.
An article from the Mayo Clinic covers what works and doesn’t for penis enlargement and you will see that penis pills do not do anything at all. The only thing shown to increase penis size was penis traction devices.
Is Green Spectra CBD Gummies a scam or legit?

Due to the false nature of the penis enlargement claims made on the Facebook ad pages, I would not dare to order from that website and would rate it as a scam. In addition to outright false claims about penis enlargement, this webpage uses obviously misleading pictures of penis size.
The website has penis-size pictures that are obviously taken at angles that make them misleading at best. One shows a view looking down on a penis with a woman’s arm showing down around the guy’s knee. This gives the impression that the penis is as big as the woman’s forearm but because of the angle there is no real way to tell what size it is.
My favorite was a picture that showed a tape measure sitting on a toilet seat with the guy standing over it. The picture gave the impression of the guy having a 12-inch penis but you need to remember he was standing with his penis well above this tape measure so it is easy to make it show double the actual size.
The product on the Amazon page is much more likely to be legit as it makes no claim of penis enlargement. This product makes the general claims of most CBD products. Additionally, you know that it is safe to order from Amazon.
Any webpage that relies on false claims and misleading pictures is very likely to be ineffective at best and most likely to be a scam.
To see what is scientifically proven to enlarge your penis with some time and effort check out the What Actually Works for Penis Enlargement section.
Green Spectra CBD Gummies Cost

The safest place to buy Green Spectra CBD Gummies is Amazon. The price is $39.95 for a 30-day supply, $59.95 for a 60-day supply, and $99.95 for a 150-day supply.
Green Spectra CBD Gummies for Penis Enlargement Ingredients
The list of Green Spectra CBD Gummies For Penis Enlargement ingredients does not include anything that would explain why they would increase penis size.
The list of Green Spectra CBD Gummies Ingredients include:
- Guarana – is listed as an ingredient that ” increases the width of veins that supply blood to the penis” which makes you wonder about their research since veins actually are the way that blood exits the penis. Arteries are what supply blood to the penis.
- Peppermint extract – No studies indicate that this ingredient is tied to penis size in any way.
- Arctium extract – They claim this leads to long erections (no proof of this claim is found). Regardless, long erections do not increase penis size.
- Ginseng extract – They claim this increases libido. However, libido has nothing to do with penis size. Many men with high libido and sexual desire have an average penis and many men with a large penis have low libido.
What Actually Works for Penis Enlargement

When you think about it, you know that there is no magic pill or lotion that will lead to penis enlargement this includes Green Spectra CBD Gummies for penis enlargement. There is no actual way for any of this stuff to work.
You can tell when you read the websites promoting these items because they have no real explanation of how it would make your penis grow. The truth is that true penis enlargement is not quick and easy like taking some pills. It takes a lot of time and some effort to occur.

So what actually works for penis enlargement? According to a study from the British Journal of Urology, the only proven method of real penis enlargement is penile extenders (penis traction devices). The use of these devices is even needed to get positive results from penis lengthening surgery.
The basic idea behind these devices is to place the penis tissue under small and consistent pressure. This will place the tissue under stress and will promote cell division and tissue expansion. This is a slow process but it is scientifically shown to work (source 1, source 2).
I have personally used these devices and achieved phenomenal results. These results are not quick but they do come over time. You have to commit to wearing the penis traction device for at least six hours per day which is not always easy but is not painful.
Doing this, I gained 1 1/2″ of penis length in about a year. These results are not unheard of since these studies have shown gains of up to 1.2″ of growth in four months. These are real results and not the fake picture results of Cannutopia male enhancement gummies.
I made these gains using the Total Man System. This is the best system on the market as it combines the proven effectiveness of penis traction and the use of active stretching to really boost results. This is also an incredibly affordable system. You can see my documented results and links to my result pictures here.

The Importance of Erection Quality For Penis Enlargement
While great erection quality will not lead to penis enlargement, you can not have penis enlargement without great erection quality.
Quality erections bring oxygen and nutrients to the cells in the penis. These are key ingredients in cell division and tissue growth in the penis.
Do not even bother trying to enlarge your penis unless you have excellent erection quality because you will just be wasting your time and money.
Hopefully, you have excellent erection quality. If you don’t worry about the rest of this section. If you do not have great erection quality there are a few things you can do.

In our opinion, the best long-lasting solution to poor erection quality is the Phoenix Device. This device uses acoustic wave therapy to improve blood flow. This is the same treatment that the rich and famous have been using for years but now it is affordable to middle-class men.
I can not praise this device enough. This is how I regained my erection quality after years of erectile dysfunction. You can find out about this device and my results by reading Phoenix Acoustic Wave Device Review.