My Suspensory Ligament Release Surgery: My Pictures and Results

My Suspensory Ligaments Release Surgery Before and After Pictures

For years, I had tried to enlarge my penis size with no success. I had tried all of the penis enlargement pills, penis enlargement lotions, and penis enlargement exercises (jelqing) with no results. Out of frustration and desperation, I decided to try penis enlargement surgery.

This penis enlargement procedure is known as suspensory ligament release surgery. In this post, I am going to give some details including my penis enlargement surgery results, my final gains once I found a method that worked, pictures following surgery, and pictures of my final results.

Warning, this post contains nudity. There are pictures of my penis enlargement results. If you would like to read a more detailed story of my surgery without the explicit pictures, you can do so here.


I am not a doctor and you should consult a doctor before beginning any penis enlargement program. There are possible dangers to any penis enlargement method or product. However, I do have experience in working on penis enlargement issues, programs, and products that may be of use to many. I have found out what works and what does not so that you do not need to waste your time or money.

The Suspensory Ligament Release Surgery

I had been desperate for years to increase my penis size. I will admit that I was obsessed with it. I had tried all of the easy-sounding options like pills, supplements, lotions, and jelqing with no results. My penis size remained the same.

Out of desperation, I decided to undergo suspensory ligament release surgery. The surgery was not a lot of fun. It was not horrible but it was painful, required some time off from work, and did require the use of traction devices after the surgery.

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#1 Penis Enlargement System Recommended by TheMonsterSite

This penis traction device is intended to keep the penis in a forward position. This helps the ligaments to heal with the penis in a more extended position. Most surgeons use this type of post-operative treatment but they do not necessarily find a penis traction device that works comfortably for you.

My Major Issue with Penis Enlargement Surgery

I think that the major issue that I had after my penis enlargement surgery was that I couldn’t consistently use the penis traction device that the doctor gave me. It would slip off every time I used it to apply traction force on my penis.

I later found out that even though I had spent thousands of dollars on the suspensory ligament release surgery the doctor gave me a low-quality penis traction device. Eventually, I found out that a high-quality penis traction device was the real key to penis enlargement.

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When I was fully healed following the surgery, I had only gained about a 1/4″ in flaccid length and erect length. The inability to use the device given to me basically made the surgery a waste of time. I was not able to keep my penis in the elongated position so that it would heal that way.

You need to make sure that the penis traction device you plan on using after surgery will work for you. It needs to be comfortable enough to wear and stay in place for at least six hours per day. If not you are wasting your time and money.

The Penis Enlargement Surgery Solution

This experience made me go in search of a different type of penis traction device that would stay in place. Eventually, I finally found the Phallosan Forte device. This FDA-approved device allowed me to keep my penis under traction for extended periods of time.

#1 Penis Traction Device Recommended by TheMonsterSite

This device looked so well designed to me that I decided to try it even though my penis had fully healed from my suspensory ligament release surgery. I was still desperate for results that were more than the 1/4″ of length that I had received from my penis enlargement surgery.

Using the Phallosan Forte, I could keep my penis extended comfortably for six hours a day. This device is easily concealed under any pants or shorts. The Phallosan Forte is so well designed that it gives you the confidence that you can wear it to work or anywhere without it being noticed.

I began to make length gains with the Phallosan Forte even though my penis had fully healed from my penis enlargement surgery. You can see my incredible length gains using the Phallosan Forte in the pictures section below.

My Penis Enlargement Surgery Pictures

A major component of my suspensory ligament release surgery pictures is the pictures of the actual incision. The pictures below are of the incision area directly above the penis shaft. This is the only incision that is made for the surgery.

The incision itself was less than an inch long right above the upper (towards the belly) base of the penis. It does take a little while to heal but was not really painful or bothersome. Below is a picture of my incision from 2 1/2 weeks after surgery and a picture of the incision that healed at three months.


My Suspensory Ligament Release Surgery Pictures: Before and After Pictures of Erect Penis

Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures of my erect penis before my suspensory ligament release surgery but my erect penis was 6 1/4″ long prior to surgery. I gained about a 1/4″ of erect length in the six months after my penis enlargement surgery.

I was very disappointed in my results. I had gone through the pain, the expense, and the months of trying to use the low-quality traction device that they gave me with no results.

If you look at the pictures below you will see when I started to get real penis-size growth. This is when I first discovered the Phallosan Forte. This device is actually an FDA-approved device that is truly engineered to stay in place and work.

The Phallosan Forte stayed comfortably in place for at least six hours per day and that allowed for some real penis growth. In the first month of use, I gained more than in the six months following my surgery and my gains just increased from there.

Clear Pictures of Penis Enlargement Results

In addition to my penis lengthening, I saw gains in my penis straightening and thickening as well. I can not emphasize enough how ecstatic I was with the results. The table below contains my results over time with the Phallosan Forte.

You can find out more about my Phallosan Forte results including links to lengthening and thickening pictures here.

Phallosan Forte ResultStart of Use1 Month of Use2 Months of Use3 Months of Use4 Months of Use2024 Update
over 1 year of use
Penis Length (inches)6.506.8757.07.257.3758.25
Penis Length Gain (inches)n/a0.375
.75 (11.5%)0.875 (13.5%)1.75
Penis Circumference (inches)5.8756.06.1256.256.57.125
Penis Circumference Gain (inches)n/a0.125
0.375 (6.4%)0.675 (11.5%)1.25
Approximate Penis Volume (cubic inches calculated as V=πr2h)17.7919.63520.7522.6324.7133.26
Penis Volume Gain (cubic inches)n/a1.845
2.96 (16.6%)4.84 (27.2%)6.92 (38.9%)15.5
Phallosan Forte Use Results Chart

My Penis Enlargement Surgery Results Conclusion

I wish that I knew then what I know now before I had my penis enlargement surgery. I never would have gone through the pain, time, and expense of suspensory ligament release surgery without first finding a great penis traction device like the Phallosan Forte.

I feel that I did not get the results I was looking for from my penis enlargement surgery because I did not have a penis traction device after the surgery that would stay in place and work. I think I would have seen much better results if I had used a device like the Phallosan Forte after my surgery.

#1 Penis Traction Device Recommended by TheMonsterSite

Additionally, I got incredible results using a quality penis traction device. If I had known that I could get the results that I did using the Phallosan Forte, I never would have gone through the penis enlargement surgery.

My post-penis enlargement surgery pictures document the incredible results that I got from the use of a quality penis traction device.

You do not need to use the same one I did but make sure that you find one that works for you prior to the surgery. It is possible that you may find that a quality penis traction device gives you the length gains that you are looking for on its own.

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