A recent study shows that a significant percentage of men experience penis shame at some point. This is a common experience with men and they should not feel that it is weird or crazy to have these feelings. The study showed that almost one out of three men were at least somewhat dissatisfied with their penis size. This study may indicate that for many penis insecurity may be justified.
Medical and Sexual health experts tend to often dismiss concerns about penis size as a non-legitimate concern. Many classify these concerns as being a form of obsession known as Penile dysmorphic disorder (PDD). This study gives data that these concerns are not only common but may be justified by many men. In this article, we will examine the size concerns of men, the size preferences of sexual partners and what can be done about it.
Table of Contents
The Actual Study
This study was conducted by the medical services website Medzino. They utilized the Amazon Mechanical Turk survey platform to conduct the study. All of the 1003 participants were over 18. The age distribution was 22.9% Gen Z (late teens and early twenties), 50% millennials (mid-twenties to early 40s), 13.6% Gen X (mid-40s to mid-50s), and 13.5% baby boomers (late 50s to late 60s). The survey was taken by both sexes. 58.1% of participants were men and 41.9% were women.
The study should be reasonably accurate as it was a fairly large sample and they utilized attention to check and disqualification questions. This study had a 3% margin of error.
Many Men Feel Penis Shame
This study showed that a significant percentage of men were not completely satisfied with their penis size. 18% were only somewhat satisfied and 13% were not satisfied with their penis size. This means that almost 1 in 3 men were not satisfied with their penis size.
Other findings by the study indicate that penis shame may be more prevalent than the 31% rate. Even more men (46%) report having experienced performance anxiety due to their penis size at some point. In addition to this, 39% of men said that they had experienced penis shame at some point. Another interesting finding was that 43% of men said that a sexual partner had made them feel insecure about their penis size at some point.
So How Important is Penis Size
This survey showed that penis size was at least somewhat important to 71% of respondents in regard to their own sexual pleasure. While sexual performance was the most important factor in sexual pleasure for the majority of respondents (61%), an amazing 27% rated penis size as being the most important factor. An additional 11% of respondents rated penis size as being about the same as sexual performance.
In addition to this, 82% of respondents indicated that penis size was at least somewhat important during intercourse.
Contrary to mainstream opinion, this study showed that penis size does matter. I have always thought that sex and urological experts have done a disservice by basically saying that penis size does not matter (for more information see The Real Truth About Penis Size). The mainstream medical opinion seems to be that any penis between 3.9 inches and 6.5 inches is in the average range and is all equal. This idea is ludicrous.
This is not to say that penis size is everything. Obviously, sexual performance was more important than penis size for most people. Also, many people find factors other than sex to be of top importance in a relationship. I am just saying that pretending that men should not take their penis size into consideration is just not realistic.
Why Penis Insecurity may be Justified
According to the largest study of penis size, the average male erect penis size is approximately 5.16 inches. This Medzino survey seems to confirm the findings of other studies that women prefer a penis that is larger than this average size. Only 31% of women picked 4-6 inches as being the ideal size of an erect penis. The most popular answer (41%) was for an erect length is 6-8 inches long ( this is 16% to 55% larger than average).
With studies and surveys that continue to show that penis size preferences are significantly above actual penis size averages, I do not see how penis size concerns can just be dismissed as not relevant. I look at penis size as being just as relevant as other factors like income, physical build, looks, sense of humor, and height when attracting a sexual partner. Some of these things can be changed and some can not but you are not crazy to be concerned about any of them. It is only crazy if you obsess about something that you can not change.
So What Can be Done About Your Penis Size
Unfortunately, there are not any quick and easy ways for a man to improve his penis size but there is some hope. No magic pills will make a penis larger but there are techniques and devices that will enlarge the penis over time with a little effort. There are three areas that a man can work on to improve his penis size. These areas are erection quality, penis length, and penis thickness.
The most important thing to work on is erection quality. This does not actually make your penis larger but good erection quality will make your penis look and feel larger to your partner. We all know about pharmaceutical methods like Viagra and Cialis but these pills do not work for everyone and do have some potential side effects. If these pills do not work for you or you want an effective alternative for erection quality, then I suggest that you give acoustic wave therapy a try. Before you can undertake a penis enlargement program you will need to make sure that you have consistent erection quality.

If your goal is to lengthen your penis, you really only have one option. Penis traction devices are the only method that has been shown in scientific studies to lengthen the penis. Even penis enlargement surgery requires the use of these traction devices to achieve erect length gains. This is not a quick or easy technique but it is the only one that works. To learn more about penis traction devices check out Do Penis Traction Devices work? for more information.
Many women find penis girth to be much more important than penis length. You have a few options to increase penis girth. The easiest but most expensive is cosmetic procedures using dermal fillers like Juvederm. Of course, cosmetic procedures do have risks associated with them. For a more natural method that may help, I would suggest using a high-quality penis pump like the Bathmate series. I utilized my Bathmate pump in addition to my penis traction devices to obtain some fantastic penis size gains.
This Medzino survey showed that penis size may be of more importance than previously thought. A significant percentage of respondents believed that penis size was an important factor for sexual satisfaction. The most popular ideal size for a penis was found to be significantly larger than the average penis.
Many experts seem to dismiss concerns over penis size. The common opinion is that anything in the average range of 3.9 to 6.5 inches is perfectly fine. The problem is that this is a huge range and that size preference begins for many at the top of that range. I do not believe it is healthy to obsess about penis size. There are many other more important factors when it comes to sexual relationships. But it is legitimate to have these concerns as in some cases penis insecurity may be justified. It is ok to look into what options you may have to address this issue. This does not make you crazy and you are not alone in your concerns.
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