We have spent years looking into the different facets of penis size and erection quality. We often get questions about the penis size of white men and different racial groups. One common question is Do white men have big penis?
A recent study that involved the clinical measurement of British Caucasian men gives us a pretty good idea of the penis size of white men. The answer may surprise you as the penis size of white men is a little larger than what is thought to be the worldwide average of all men.
So let’s take a look at how the penis size of white men was determined, what the average penis size of white men was found to be, how the average penis size of white men compares to other men, what can be done to increase penis size, and more.
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How was the penis size of white men determined?
We are using a study that was published in the BJUI (British Journal of Urology International) to provide the data for our discussion of the penis size of white men.

This study utilized measurements that were taken of 609 Caucasian British men. These measurements were taken using a rigid ruler by a medical professional in a medical office or operating room segment. The men were ages 16 through 90 with a mean (average) age of 48.
It is important that in this study the measurements were taken in a medical setting by a medical professional. Some studies rely on men taking their own measurements which usually leads to a much larger average size. Surprisingly (sarcasm), men tend to exaggerate their penis size.
This study involved Caucasian men who are generally defined as being of European descent. Some make some minor distinctions between Caucasian and white but in general society, they are accepted as being the same thing.

The investigators in the penis size of white men study took four measurements. These penis size measurements were:
- “flaccid pendulous length” – This is basically how it hangs or the locker room size. This is measured along the top of the penis from the skin of the pubic area to the tip of the glans (penis head).
- “pubic arch penis length” – This is measured along the top of the penis with the ruler pushed into the pubic bone to the tip of the glans.
- “stretched flaccid length” – This is measured along the top of the penis with the ruler pushed into the pubic to the tip of the glans while the penis is being stretched.
- “testicular size” – testicle size was measured using an orchidometer. This is basically a medical instrument that helps doctors to estimate penis size.
The stretched penis length is the measurement that is thought to best approximate erect penis size. When most people refer to penis size, they are referring to erect penis size. So when we refer to the penis size of white men, we are using the stretched flaccid length of white men from this study.
So, What is the actual average penis size of white men?

So, the actual average penis size of white men was found to be 5.6 inches (14.3 cm). This was the mean stretched flaccid length found in the penis size study of Caucasian British men. Of the 609 men, the longest penis measured was 7.9 inches (20 cm) and the shortest was 3.75 inches (9.5 cm).
Using the assumption that the stretched penis length is a good approximation of erect penis size, the average erect penis size of white men would be 5.6 inches.
Some additional, statistics from the study showed that the average flaccid pendulous length (the soft hanging length or locker room length) was 3.4 inches (8.7 cm). The average pubic arch penis length was 4 inches (10.2 cm). The average testicle size was 19.8 ml.
Additionally, about 90% of men fell in the penis length range of 4.7 inches (12 cm) to 6.7 inches (17 cm). A micropenis is defined as being more than 2.5 standard deviations below the mean. So a micropenis for white men would be a penis below 4 inches (10.1 cm) in stretched length.
According to the experts, only those with a micropenis should really be doing anything about their penis size. So apparently if you have a 4.1-inch penis, you should be perfectly happy with your penis size. This would not work for us but it would be technically functional.
A macropenis is defined as being an abnormally large penis or being more than 2.5 standard definitions above the mean. According to this study of the penis size of white men, a macropenis would be a penis of more than 7.3 inches (18.5 cm). So if you have a penis of this size, Congratulations.
How does the penis size of white men compare to other men?

The gold standard for penis size studies is the BJUI study titled “Am I normal”. This study was a summary of over 15,000 subject measurements from various studies across the world. Just like the British study, the “Am I Normal” study only took into account clinical measurements of the stretched flaccid penis length.
The study involving the penis size of white men was even included in the statistical data of the huge “Am I normal” study.
The “Am I normal” study found that the worldwide average penis size using the stretched flaccid measurement was 5.21 inches (13.24 cm). So the average penis size of white men was 0.42 inches (1.06 cm) longer than the worldwide average. This is an 8% difference in penis length.

This variance is not really that significant but is interesting. There have been very few studies that actually take measurements based on race so any information that is not anecdotal is of significance.
Based on these two studies, it appears that white men may have a penis length that is slightly larger than the worldwide average. More studies involving race would need to occur in order to confirm this information.
Many have asked the same question in regard to Black men but there is even less information on this subject. Check out Average Black Penis Length Truth: Do Black men have a big penis? for more information on this.
Is penis size related to age?

In this study of the penis size of white men, it was found that there was no relationship between penis size and age. This has got to be some comfort men. Everything else gets tougher as we get older so we do not need to have penis shrinkage thrown on top of that.
Is penis size related to testicle size?
In this study of the penis size of white men, it was found that there was no relationship between penis size and testicle size. The group with a testicle size of 15-20 ml even had a slightly longer stretched penis length (14.85 cm) than the length of men with a testicle size greater than 25 ml (14.83 cm).
But basically, there was absolutely no correlation between testicle size and penis size. So big balls are not related to big dicks.
Is there anything that can be done about penis size?

There is no quick and easy answer to real penis enlargement. Scientific studies continue to show that the only way to actually increase the size of your penis is through the use of penis traction devices.
These devices are not like magic penis pills that supposedly increase your penis size quickly. Penis traction devices increase your penis size over time but they do require a little effort.
You can read Do Penis Traction Devices work? My Incredible Results for my complete story of using these devices like the Total Man System and the results I achieved.