Recently, we have been seeing advertisements for multiple CBD products in regard to male enhancement and penis enlargement. These products have reused the same advertisements and claims and have led us to issue a product alert. These advertisements include some for Rejuvenate CBD Gummies for male enhancement.
We issue a strong alert for the use of Rejuvenate CBD Gummies for Male Enhancement. We do not believe that these product claims are made by the manufacturer and see multiple signs of advertising deception. We offer this Rejuvenate CBD Gummies review to give users the full picture.
We do not believe that these claims are made by the legitimate manufacturer of any Rejuvenate products. We believe that this male enhancement promotion has hijacked the images and name of the product to make false claims.
Table of Contents
What is Rejuvenate CBD Gummies for Male Enhancement?
We came across Rejuvenate CBD Gummies for Male Enhancement on a Facebook ad. This ad took us to a page making all kinds of male enhancement claims for this product. We have seen this same page recycled multiple times for many different CBD products.

According to the advertisement for Rejuvenate CBD Gummies for Male Enhancement, this product will enhance sex drive, produce harder erections, allow you to achieve longer staying power, and increase your penis length and girth. Sounds great, right? Well, only if it is not a scam.
The fact that this advertisement page and content have been reused multiple times raised some product alert flags with us. The product claims are really just too good to be true and many of the pictures seemed to be deceptive to us.
The advertisement page for Rejuvenate CBD Gummies for male enhancement takes you to a page claiming that this product was a winner on Shark Tank. We can find no indication that this product was ever even on the show. This is a major alert.
Another red flag is that the product pictured on the advertisement page calls the product Rejuvenate CBD Gummies but right on the label it lists the major ingredient as Hemp Extract. There is a difference between CBD and hemp extract and a legit product should not confuse the two.

Consumers should be put on alert by Rejuvenate CBD Gummies for penis enlargement claims. While there are some scientifically proven penis enlargement methods, we all know that any claims of some magic pill to enlarge the penis are going to be false.
We can find no known legitimate website that is selling this product. The closest thing we can find is Rejuvenate Hemp Gummies. This product is sold on Amazon and makes no claims of male enhancement or penis enlargement. We are not criticizing this product as it makes no claims in regard to the penis.
It appears to us that the Rejuvenate CBD Gummies for male enhancement pictures are doctored images of the hemp product with the word Hemp replaced by CBD.
Our Rejuvenate CBD Gummies Review

Our Rejuvenate CBD Gummies review summary is that we rate this product as a do not use. We did not personally try the product due to all of the factors listed above. We are not going to turn over payment information or ingest any product that has those kinds of problems with its product claims.
We have used some high-quality CBD products in the past and while they may help with anxiety, pain, and sleep they do not do any of the things claimed by the Rejuvenate CBD Gummies for Male Enhancement. There is no increase in libido, harder erections, increased staying power, and definitely no increase in penis size.
Rejuvenate CBD Gummies do they work?

We do not believe that Rejuvenate CBD Gummies for male enhancement work for that purpose at all. We found no indication that any of the male enhancement claims would be legitimate for this product.
We strongly recommend that you do not try Rejuvenate CBD Gummies for male enhancement.
Once again, we would feel extremely uncomfortable ordering any products from a website that makes such obviously insincere claims about the product.
What about Rejuvenate CBD Gummies for Penis Enlargement?

A huge claim of this product is the Rejuvenate CBD Gummies will increase the size of your penis. The pictures from the advertisements seem to imply a 5 cm penis growth (approximately 2 inches). This is just ridiculous.
This claim is just not going to happen. All research has shown that pills can not increase the size of your penis. There is no known mechanism to explain how this could even happen. The advertisements make some general claims about increased blood flow but no actual explanation of how this would even work.
If some gummy could easily add two inches onto your penis, this would be all over the news, and every guy out there would be out there trying it.
Unfortunately, it is going to take something with a lot more time and effort like penis traction devices to make your penis bigger.
What is the Rejuvenate CBD Gummies Cost?
We did not dare to order the Rejuvenate CBD Gummies through the male enhancement website due to all the potential scam signals that we saw.
The closest legit listing for this product would be the Amazon listing for Rejuvenate Hemp Gummies which lists two bottles (60 gummies each) for $47.95.
What are the Rejuvenate CBD Gummies Ingredients?

The ingredient list is another thing that really makes us question the legitimacy of the product. On one advertisement page, they list Rejuvenate CBD Gummies Ingredients as:
- Horny goat
- wild yam
- Korean Ginseng
- licorice root
- potency wood
- oyster shell extract
On another advertisement page, they list the ingredients as:
- Horny Goat Weed Extract
- Tongkat Ali Extract
- Saw Palmetto Extract
- Orchic Substance
- Wild Yam Extract
- Sarsparilla
- Nettle Extract
- Boron
On Amazon, the ingredient list for Rejuvenate Hemp Gummies is so totally different that it makes us question all of this. The list there is basically just hemp extract. So if there was a CBD version of the product why would it have such different ingredients?

Is there anything that actually works for male enhancement?

We have found a couple of products that we actually recommend for male enhancement. If you are looking to improve your erection quality then there are a couple of things that you can try.
We are huge proponents of the use of acoustic wave therapy to improve erection quality. This was the treatment that the Hollywood elite and the rich and famous have used for years to maintain their erection quality.
It was previously only available in a clinical setting and at an incredible cost that made it prohibitive for most men. Now it is available for at-home use and at an affordable price. We highly recommend you check out the 2024 Phoenix Acoustic Wave Device Review: Improved erection quality? for all the details.

Is there anything that actually works for penis enlargement?

There is no quick and easy answer to real penis enlargement. Scientific studies continue to show that the only way to actually increase the size of your penis is through the use of penis traction devices.
These devices are not like magic penis pills that supposedly increase your penis size quickly. Penis traction devices increase your penis size over time but they do require a little effort.
You can read Do Penis Traction Devices work? My Incredible Results for my complete story of using these devices like the Total Man System and the results I achieved.