I have years of experience trying many to improve my erection quality and increase my penis size. We know that the Phoenix device is an incredibly effective way to achieve full and firm erections and one might think it would increase penis size as well. So does the Phoenix device for penis enlargement work?
As a general rule, the Phoenix device by itself does not increase your penis size. However, the Phoenix device will help you get the full erections that make your penis appear its largest. Additionally, these full erections are essential if you attempt a long-term penis traction program to increase size.
So let’s take a look at my attempts to use the Phoenix device for penis enlargement. How I found that the Phoenix device was incredible for improving my erection quality. And the results that I got when combining penis traction devices with the Phoenix device for penis enlargement.
Table of Contents
My Phoenix Device for Penis Enlargement Experience
I want to share my personal story of overcoming erectile dysfunction and obtaining real penis enlargement. This is the real story of a middle-aged man that struggled greatly with insecurity from these two issues and how he overcame them.
First thing, the Phoenix device does not increase the size of your penis. The manufacturer of the Phoenix device makes no claim that it does, and I have seen no evidence of the Phoenix device by itself enlarging the penis.
However, I found the Phoenix device to be incredibly effective in improving erection quality. Additionally, when combined with a high-quality penis traction device it is possible to use the Phoenix for penis enlargement.
There is no easy solution to these issues and you must be willing to invest time and effort into achieving results. Even though it is not easy, I can tell you that it is definitely possible to achieve natural full erections again along with real penis enlargement over time.
I am going to share with you my struggles and how I used the Phoenix device for erection quality and the Phoenix for penis enlargement.
My Background

I had always felt a little insecure about my penis size. I knew that I was not exceptionally small and was definitely in the normal range but was always concerned about my size. I am a tall and broad-shouldered man that has been overweight for most of my life. I felt that my penis was undersized for my body.
Even though I was not comfortable with my penis size, I did not truly obsess about it until later in life. In my late 40s, I started to develop erectile dysfunction. I tried a number of things to reverse this issue but nothing seemed to work.
I tried lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, etc…), supplements, prescription pills, and even prescription penis injections but my erectile dysfunction continued to become worse. On top of the pain and humiliation of erectile dysfunction, my penis seemed to be getting smaller over time as my ED progressed.
I became obsessed with regaining the penis length that I had lost to ED. I tried all of the pills, exercises, pumps, and supplements that promised penis enlargement. Unfortunately, I found out there is no magic pill, exercise, or device that can make your penis grow quickly.
I even tried penis lengthening surgery known as suspensory ligament release surgery with very minimal results. I was totally frustrated and dejected at this point. I felt like I was doomed to live life with a small penis that barely functioned.
What I Needed for My Penis

Eventually, through my own research and a lengthy discussion with the one doctor that I found that was totally open and honest on the subject, I found out why I was getting no results.
There is only, one scientifically proven way to lengthen the penis. That is through the use of penis traction devices. These devices enlarge the penis slowly over time by causing consistent micro-tears and healing in the penis that leads to actual growth.
The big catch is that if you do not have consistent high-quality natural erections then even penis traction devices will not work for you. You need these natural erections to bring the blood into the penis which promotes the healing and enlarging process.
Without these quality erections to provide oxygen and nutrients to the cells, any work that you do on enlarging your penis is a waste of time. Medication-induced erections will not provide the consistent nightly erections that provide this.
You need to restore your body’s natural erection function so that you get those nocturnal erections that come and go all night long. This type of erection promotes a healthy and healing penis that is necessary for growth.
My First Step: The Phoenix for Erection Quality

I became extremely focused on improving my erection quality and overcoming my erectile dysfunction. I knew that I wanted to have quality natural erections and be able to work on my penis enlargement goals.
Since weight loss and healthy living had not restored my erectile function, I looked into other treatments. My research led me to acoustic wave therapy treatment for erection quality. When I ran this option by my doctor, he said that it was not a traditional treatment but that it was worth trying at this point.
I am so glad that I tried acoustic wave therapy for erection quality. Within a couple of months, I was experiencing incredibly firm and hard erections like I had when I was much younger. I went from being barely able to achieve an erection with medications to getting hard erections on demand and all night.
I found that the Phoenix device was the most cost-effective and efficient way to receive this type of treatment. With the Phonix device, you can get the treatment from the comfort of your home and at a fraction of the cost that you would pay in designer medical offices.
This is the same medical treatment that the rich and famous have received for years to maintain their peak erection quality. The Phoenix device makes this treatment available to those that are not so rich and famous.
Now that I had my erection quality under control, I could try to incorporate a penis traction device into my program of using the Phoenix device for penis enlargement.
Traction Devices and the Phoenix for Penis Enlargement

Once I had restored my erection quality, I began using penis traction devices and the Phoenix device for penis enlargement. I found that you had to use high-quality penis traction devices in order to comfortably wear them and achieve results.
The problem with low-quality devices was that they would constantly slip out of place. This would lead to two problems. If they slip off then they are not working and if they slip off they can cause the embarrassment of having your penis traction device sliding out of your pant leg in front of others.
Eventually, I found a high-quality penis traction device known as the Phallosan Forte. This device allowed me to safely and comfortably wear the penis traction device for six plus hours per day and seven days a week. No slippage and no damaging issues that low-quality devices can cause.
This comfort and safety with the Phallosan Forte let me wear the device discreetly for the time that was needed for real penis enlargement. Remember, this is not quick and easy. You need to wear this device for at least six hours per day for at least 4-6 weeks in order to see real results.
It is not easy or fun so you really need to want penis enlargement results. I continued to utilize the Phoenix for penis enlargement by administering follow-up treatment to maintain erection quality. This continued to give me the erections that brought nourishing blood to my penis.
My Results with Traction Devices and the Phoenix for Penis Enlargement
Phallosan Forte Result | Start of Use | 1 Month of Use | 2 Months of Use | 3 Months of Use | 2022 Update over 1 year of use |
Penis Length (inches) | 6.875 | 7.0 | 7.25 | 7.375 | 8.50 |
Penis Length Gain (inches) | n/a | 0.125 (1.8%) | .375 (5.45%) | 0.5 (7.3%) | 1.625 (23.6%) |
Penis Circumference (inches) | 6.0 | 6.125 | 6.25 | 6.5 | 7.0 |
Penis Circumference Gain (inches) | n/a | 0.125 (2.1%) | 0.25 (4.2) | 0.5 (8.3%) | 1.0 (16.7%) |
Approximate Penis Volume (cubic inches calculated as V=πr2h) | 18.30 | 20.90 | 22.54 | 24.80 | 33.14 |
Penis Volume Gain (cubic inches) | n/a | 2.60 (14.2%) | 4.24 (23.2%) | 6.50 (35.5%) | 14.84 (81.1%) |
When it comes right down to it everyone wants to know what were your results with penis traction devices and the Phoenix device for penis enlargement. In short, I had phenomenal results using the Phallosan Forte and the Phoenix device.
In the first month, I gained 1/8 of an inch in erect length. In two months, I gained a 1/4 inch of erect length. In three months, I gained a 1/2 inch of erect length.
To read my whole story using the Phallosan Forte including links to my actual results by reading: Phallosan Forte Review: My amazing documented results.
At this point, I was comfortable using the Phallosan Forte and I decided to kick it up a notch by incorporating the Total Man System into my routine. So I was using the Phallosan Forte, the Total Man System, and the Phoenix device for penis enlargement.
The Total Man System incorporates a more aggressive approach to penis enlargement. With this approach, the erection quality that you achieve by using the Phoenix device becomes even more important.
By using all three systems (the Phallosan Forte, the Total Man system, and the Phoenix device for penis enlargement) at the same time, I was eventually able to add over an inch of actual penis growth.
This was not easy and it was not magic. It required over a year of time and effort before I achieved the penis size that I wanted. So if you are looking for overnight results then you are out of luck.
I had to use the Phoenix device for 15 minutes twice per week to maintain erection quality, I had to utilize the Total Man System for at least a half hour every other day, and I had to wear the Phallosan Forte or the Total Man passive stretcher for at least six hours per day.
What is the Phoenix Device?
The Phoenix device is an extremely effective and popular acoustic wave therapy device. This device and treatment program continues to gain popularity and acceptance in the United States. Acoustic wave therapy, also known as shockwave therapy, is the use of a device to emit high-intensity shockwaves into the penis.
Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of shockwave therapy like that used by the Phoenix device for aiding erectile function. But there have been no scientific studies on the Phoenix device for penis enlargement or shockwave for penis enlargement in general.
These shockwaves can aid in erectile function in a couple of ways. It can break up blockages in existing blood vessels to allow for greater blood flow into the area. The shockwaves also cause micro trauma to tissue in the treatment area which leads to the creation of new blood vessels in the area.
These two effects treat poor blood flow which is the leading cause of erectile dysfunction and poor erection quality.
These treatments are similar to the popular Gainswave treatments but available at a fraction of the cost of the Phoenix. In my opinion, the Phoenix device is the best and most affordable long-term treatment for erection quality issues.
The Phoenix Device Can Prevent Penis Shortening

There are a few reasons beyond penis enlargement with the Phoenix device that you should really make the quality of your erections a top priority.
First of all, erection quality is often a general indicator of some overall health conditions. If you are having poor erections, let your doctor know as it could be a sign of serious issues.
Good erections are important to your sexual satisfaction. When your erections are hard, you feel more confident. This is important for both you and your partner to enjoy the experience. It is difficult to relax and enjoy when you are worried about maintaining your erection.
A firm and hard erection will look and feel larger to you and your partner. It is basically making the most of what you have.
So while you are not going to get penis enlargement with the Phoenix device that changes the actual size, a full erection is going to appear larger than a soft one. Do not sell yourself short.
Most men who feel penis shame actually have normal-sized penises. It is not easy to appreciate what you have when it is not operating at 100%.
Another important thing to remember is that long-term erectile dysfunction can actually cause your penis to shorten over time. A long-term lack of quality erections can lead to up to 2 cm of penile shortening (source).
So just by maintaining your erection quality with the Phoenix device and preventing shrinkage, you are basically using acoustic wave therapy for penis enlargement.
How the Phoenix Device for Penis Enlargement Works
There are no pills or lotions that will actually make your penis larger. The Phoenix device for penis enlargement falls into this category.
It can make you harder and firmer but not actually bigger. If your goal is actual penis enlargement, then do not underestimate the importance of these hard erections.
So while the Phoenix device will not enlarge the penis on its own, it does help produce the erections that bring the blood into the penis. This blood flow is so important to the health, healing, and growth that is part of a penis enlargement program.
There is only one scientifically proven way to actually make your penis longer over time. That is with the use of high-quality penis traction devices. These are not magic results and they require consistent use (6 hours per day, seven days a week for four to six weeks) to see results.
Even penis enlargement surgery utilizes these traction devices to gain the actual lengthening results. These results are not quick or easy but are truly the only way to make your penis longer over time.
You can check out Do Penis Traction Devices work? for information about studies, results, expectations, and more with these devices.
My recommendation to anyone that is looking for penis enlargement is that you first ensure your erection quality with acoustic wave therapy. Then you utilize a quality traction device (see Top 5 Penis Traction Devices for the best devices available) to increase your penis length over time. Following this simple plan will give you results within 4 to 6 weeks.
If you are looking for overnight results then I am afraid that you are out of luck. If you are willing to invest a little time and effort, you can really get some significant results in a few weeks.
By combining a quality penis traction system like the Phallosan Forte or the Total Man system with the Phoenix device for penis enlargement, you can obtain real results.
The Best Price on the Phoenix Device for Penis Enlargement
While the Phoenix is much more affordable than any comparable acoustic wave therapy, it is not necessarily inexpensive for most of us. Compared to Gainswave, prescription pills, or even herbal supplements, you will save over time with the Phoenix. Just the initial cost can be difficult for some.
If you want to increase your erection quality or aid your penis enlargement program with acoustic wave therapy for penis enlargement, then you do not need to pay the full price of the Phoenix device to try it.
To help with this cost, TheMonsterSite users have access to a fantastic discount code to save $80 dollars off on the Phoenix every day. Just visit the Phoenix Device Website and enter discount code THEMONSTERSITE80 at checkout.
Not only can you save on the device but with their 90-day trial you have very little to risk.
You owe it to yourself and your partner.
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