The common line with sexual health experts is that penis size does not matter for the most part. But a recent study shows a shorter penis leads to less satisfying sex. This study utilized a novel approach to take into account the impact of penis length on sexual satisfaction. This approach is a first of its kind study that allowed researchers to isolate penis length as the factor for sexual satisfaction. A physical device was used to vary the penis size so sex was with the same partner therefore helping to reduce other variables.
While the sample size of this study was small, it may be an indication that penis size may play a much more important role in sexual satisfaction than previously accepted. This may also indicate that while men should not be obsessed with their penis size they should be aware that it is a factor in their partner’s sexual satisfaction.
Table of Contents
The Study
This study was conducted by King’s College London and was publish in the BJU International Journal. This study utilized a relatively small sample size of 29 heterosexual couples with only 12 couples submitting sufficient data to include in the study.
The main idea of the study was to artificially reduce the size of the penis and then track the female’s satisfaction. The females rated three areas with a satisfaction score of 0-100. The three areas rated were:
- overall sexual pleasure
- sexual pleasure from intercourse alone
- emotional connection to the male partner
How They Changed the Size of the Penis
The main idea of the study was to measure the change in satisfaction as a result of penis size change alone. This takes out all of the other variables such as attractiveness, sexual skill, and relationship areas. To achieve this the researchers utilized different sized silicone rings that went over the base of the penis. These rings effectively reduced how far the penis could penetrate the vagina during intercourse thereby simulating a smaller penis.

- A Phase (control): a very thin, 0.5-cm (0.2″) ring designed to not be very noticeable and not significantly change penis length.
- B Phase: a 2.54-cm (1″) ring effectively reducing penetration and simulating a penis 1″ shorter than penis without ring.
- C Phase: a 3.81-cm (1.5″) ring effectively reducing penetration and simulating a penis 1.5″ shorter than penis without ring.
- D Phase: a 5.03-cm (2″) ring effectively reducing penetration and simulating a penis 2″ shorter than penis without ring.
Data that was Collected
The couples were asked to record a number of data sets as part of the study. They were instructed to gather initial penis size measurements of the male. They obtained “bone to tip” length measurements along with girth measurements of the penis. The length measurement was for study purposes only but the girth measurements were used to personalize the rings for the proper girth.
The men were given the penis rings shown above and instructed on how to utilize them in a random method. The women were not supposed to know the size of the rings being used.
The women were asked to rank their satisfaction with the sexual encounter on a scale of 0 to 100. The rankings were taken in three different categories. These categories were:
- overall sexual pleasure
- sexual pleasure from intercourse alone
- emotional connection to the male partner
The ring sizes were randomly assigned for use so the woman did not know which one was being used for each encounter. This would lead to a more accurate rating of the change in satisfaction due to the perceived penis size.
The Dissatisfaction With a Smaller Penis Results
The results of the satisfaction surveys showed that there was a significant drop in satisfaction as the ring size got larger thus simulating a smaller penis. The biggest difference was found in the satisfaction between comparing the A ring to the D ring. This ring combination simulated a 2 inch smaller penis.
With the 2 inch reduction in penis size, 49% of the survey results indicated a negative change in overall sexual pleasure. A whopping 66% of survey results indicated a negative change in satisfaction with intercourse alone portion of the sexual encounter. Interestingly, 54% of survey results indicated a negative change in the satisfaction due to emotional connection.
These negative changes in satisfaction were with all simulated size reductions. The smaller the simulated penis size the less the reported satisfaction. The table below shows the changes in satisfaction based on simulated size changes.

A Longer Penis Leads to More Consistent Sexual Satisfaction
Another interesting finding form the study was that the longer the natural penis was for the men, the more satisfied the women stayed with sex even with the size reduction rings. The men on the short end of the penis size scale saw up to 50 point drop in overall sexual satisfaction as the ring size increased. The men on the large end of the scale a 10 point drop in overall sexual satisfaction as the ring size increased.
The table below shows the relationship between the actual penis size of the man and the partner satisfaction as the ring size changes. Ring D represents the largest change and simulates a penis that is 2 inches shorter.

What is the Significance of this?
Contrary to the generally accepted medical and sexual health expert opinion. This study indicates that penis size does matter for sexual satisfaction even when the different sizes fall into the average penis size range. The researchers for this study went into the study with this bias. The study states that:
“We started with the premise that depth of penetration would not matter to most women. However, we found in our participants that reducing the depth of penetration by an average 15% with Ring B (2.54-cm [1″] reduction) led to an 18% reduction of overall sexual pleasure.”
The data from the study caused them to change their opinion on the matter. The data showed that size does matter in a statistically significant manner.
We started with the premise that depth of penetration would not matter to most women. However, we found in our participants that reducing the depth of penetration by an average 15% with Ring B (2.54-cm [1″] reduction) led to an 18% reduction of overall sexual pleasure.
The study should not be taken to mean that penis size is the only or even the most important factor for women. There are other factors like appearance and personality that play much more important roles.
This is not to make guys panic or obsess about their penis size. This is to give guys an honest look at what they are up against. Medical and sexual health experts are quick to say that any penis in the “normal” range of 3.9″ to 6.5″ is equally sufficient. This just does not match reality. The very top of that “normal” range is the preferred size of women.
For more information on the penis size preference of women read The Real Truth About Penis Size.
What Can be Done about Penis Size?
There are not any quick and easy fixes for this question. Do not believe anyone who is selling you a magic pill that will increase the size of your penis. This will not work.
The first thing is to make the most of what you have. If you are not having extremely firm and full erections then you must address this first. These full erections will make your penis feel and look at its maximum size. I would first suggest a visit to your doctor to rule out any medical conditions. In addition, an acoustic wave therapy device like the Phoenix device is an extremely effective way to improve erection quality. Unlike pills like Viagra or Cialis, the Phoenix is not a temporary fix and it can improve spontaneous and nocturnal erections.

Actually changing the size of your penis is a much more difficult proposition. There are surgical methods but even these do not always work on their own. The scientifically proven method of enlargement that is used either with lengthening surgery on its own is the use of a high-quality penis traction device. These devices will slowly increase penis size over time. It is not quick or easy but it is the only method that has been proven to work.
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