Recent reporting on a 2023 University of Kent study continues the trend of mainstream media downplaying the penis size preference of women. The media portrayal of penis size based on this article is that women are satisfied with an average-sized penis when this is not what the study is actually showing.
Like the other few studies into the penis size preference of women, the main takeaway that we found was that women prefer a penis that is significantly bigger than the average penis size. We are not saying that penis size is the most important factor in partner selection for women but that larger-than-average penis size is considered a plus by women.
So let’s take a look at what this study says about the penis size preference of women, the media portrayal of penis size, what else the media gets wrong in regards to penis size, and What Can Actually Be Done About Penis Size.
Table of Contents
What the Study Says About The Penis Size Preference Of Women
The 2023 University of Kent Study entitled “What Drives Sex Toy Popularity? A Morphological Examination of Vaginally-Insertable Products Sold by the World’s Largest Sexual Wellness Company” by Sarah E. Johns & Nerys Bushnell took a look at women’s preferences with the size of vaginally inserted sex toys with the assumption that it may indicate the penis size preference of women.
This study explores women’s preference for sex toys, particularly vibrators and dildos designed for vaginal insertion. The research, based on data from the online retailer Lovehoney, investigates the dimensions, price, and morphological features of 265 sex toys. Surprisingly, realistic features and overall length do not predict popularity, while price and circumference significantly influence overall popularity.

Ok, that kind of sounds like women don’t care about penis size that much, so an average size penis should be fine right? This is not what the study shows at all. It shows that the penis size preference of women is significantly larger than average. Let’s take a closer look.
What the University of Kent Study Penis Size Study Measures

This study on the penis size preference of women explores consumer preferences for vaginally inserted sex toys, focusing on 265 products from Lovehoney, the UK’s largest online sex toy retailer. The idea behind the study is that preference in sex toy size could translate to the real-world size preferences of women.
Surprisingly, realism in toy design doesn’t drive popularity; factors like price and circumference play a significant role.
The study exclusively considers products listed under the category “Dildo” and excludes items primarily used for non-sexual purposes. The research aims to contribute insights for product design and marketing, emphasizing that consumers prefer insertable sex toys that deviate from realistic representations of male genitalia.
The methodology relies on data from product specifications, customer reviews, and visual evaluations due to the absence of established classification methods in academic literature on sex toys.
Out of the 265 phallus-shaped products, about a quarter (24.9%) had a vibrating feature, and the majority (86.8%) were made from a realistic, skin-like material, with almost half (43.8%) being a natural skin color. Veins were present in 72.5% of the products, 36.2% had a scrotum, and 81.9% had a clearly defined glans/coronal ridge. The average price of these items was £44.61.

When compared to the average sizes reported in previous studies, the insertable length in our sample was notably larger (mean = 7.07 inches), exceeding the population-wide average of 5.16 inches in the world’s largest penis size survey of over 15,000 men.
Similarly, the circumference was also girthier in our sample (mean = 5.52 inches) compared to the average erect circumference of 4.59 inches reported in the literature.
What the University of Kent study showed with women’s preferred penis length

The confusion with women’s preferred penis length was that the study found no statistically significant correlation between the length of the surveyed sex toys and overall popularity. Many took this to mean that penis length does not matter and that average is what women want.
The problem with this theory is that vaginally insertable toys in this study had an average length of 7.07 inches which is 137% the length of the average penis. This is statistically huge.
So with the surveyed toys ( Statistics: mean = 7.07 inches ± 1.72, Min = 4 inches, Max = 14 inches, t (265)) over 84% were larger than the average penis length with most being significantly larger. Even with this huge average size, there was a very slight non-statistically significant correlation that an even larger size than the average toy size was preferred.
This would indicate that the average preferred length of the vaginally insertable toy was at least 7.07 inches indicating that women’s preferred penis length was around 7.07 inches.
So what this study indicates is not that the penis size preference of women is average but that women’s preferred penis length is significantly higher than the average (at approximately 7 inches) and that there are limits on how long they want the penis.
So even though women would prefer a larger penis there is a limit on how large for most women. Most women would prefer a 7-inch penis but would not necessarily want a 12-inch penis. There is a limit and while women like a long penis they do not want a baseball bat coming at them.
This longer women’s preferred penis length seems to match up with what has been found in other penis size preference studies. Additionally, this preferred penis length means that only about 1% of guys measure up.
What the University of Kent study showed with women’s preferred penis girth

There seems to be the same confusion when it comes to women’s preferred penis girth. The average toy girth in the survey was a hefty 5.52 inches which was a full 120% of the average erect circumference of 4.59 inches.
The penis size study found a correlation between toy circumference and user satisfaction in that the users preferred a slightly reduced circumference in the most popular toys. Still, the study found that the five most popular toys had an average circumference of 4.85 inches which was still significantly larger (106%) than the average penis size.
Even though this slight difference in circumference does not seem like much it does mean that women’s preferred penis girth means that guys have to be in the top 30% of men to measure up. Additionally, in the preferred women’s penis girth category, this study shows a preference that is slightly lower than other studies.
The even more stunning overall penis size preference of women

Another big factor to consider in the penis size preference of women is the overall volume of the penis. If this study is an accurate predictor of overall women’s preferred penis size, then the ideal penis would be around 7.07 inches long and with a 4.85-inch circumference.
The true indicator of penis size is penis volume which is a function of length and girth. This study indicates that women may prefer a penis volume of 6.53 fluid ounces based which is 152% more than the average penis volume.
In the actual world, only 10% of men would make the cut in regards to the penis volume that women prefer.
What is the Media Portrayal of Penis Size Preference

Since this study indicates that Women’s Penis Size Preference is much larger than the average male penis size, what is the media portrayal of penis size preference?
According to the NY Post article on this study, it “dispels the long-held belief that “bigger is better’” in the context of sexual satisfaction.”
A GBNews article somehow got “A study assessing the preferences of various sex toys suggests women prefer an average penis size.” from this study.

The DailyMail somehow created the article titled “Don’t worry men… this is what scientists say is ‘average’-sized (and women prefer it!)” based on this study.
The media portrayal of penis size seems to follow the pattern that penis size does not matter when research and other cultural sources tell us differently. Mainstream Hollywood movies, porn, advertising, and just our personal experience with what people talk about would lead us to believe that the penis size preference of women is for a significantly larger penis than the norm.
For whatever reason, mainstream media has determined that it is not appropriate to tell the truth about this penis size preference even though we all know it is true.
Don’t get us wrong. Penis size is not the be-all and end-all of what women find attractive. It may not even be in the top 10 factors. I like to say most women would pick Brad Pitt with a 5-inch penis over Homer Simpson with an 8-inch penis. But it is a lie to say that penis size is not a factor.
A statistic from a different study that brings this point home is that a full 20% of women admit to ending a relationship due to their partner’s penis being too small. To make matters worse, another study shows that 16% of women that stay in the relationship admit to being unhappy with the size of their partner’s penis (source).
My wife and I are both into the swinger lifestyle (see our sister site SwingerLifestyleGuide.com) and our experiences have led us to agree that women prefer a larger penis. As a swinger we are around a lot of sexually active women, I am an average-looking guy with a much larger-than-average penis.
When we go to nude events where my penis is visible, I receive all kinds of interest from women but when we are at fully clothed events I receive much less interest. I know this is completely anecdotal but from discussions with other swingers, it is much easier to get attention with a larger penis.
What Else Does Media Get Wrong About Penis Size?

It is not just the penis size preference of women that the media gets wrong. They also continually perpetuate the myth that there is nothing that a man can do about his penis size. That you are stuck with what you were born with.
While it is true that there are no magic pills that will make your junk bigger, there are still scientifically studied non-surgical methods to increase your penis length. This method is the use of Penis Traction Devices. While it does take time and effort, penis traction devices will work if you get a quality device.
You can read Do Penis Traction Devices work? My Incredible Results for the details on these devices and some of the scientific studies showing their effectiveness.
I have personal experience in this area. A few years ago, I began a journey to increase the size of my penis. With some time and effort, I ended up increasing my penis size by almost two inches. I did this through the use of Penis Traction Devices.
So What Can Actually Be Done About Penis Size?

So since it is pretty obvious that the penis size preference of women is for a larger-than-average penis, what can a man do if he is unhappy with his size?
When it comes to penis enlargement, there are countless products and methods advertised online promising miraculous results. From pills and pumps to surgeries and stretches, the options can be overwhelming. However, it’s essential to approach these claims with a critical eye.
My experience with penis enlargement matches up with scientific research in that the only way to lengthen the penis is through the use of Penis Traction Devices. The good news is that a high-quality device like the Phallosan Forte or the Total Man System works. The bad news is that they do take time and effort.
Using penis traction devices, I gained almost 2″ over time. If you want to see the scientific studies about these amazing devices and want to see my results and pictures, be sure to read Do Penis Traction Devices work? My Incredible Results
Do not get me wrong, these devices require a significant investment of time and they do require some effort but if you were desperate for gains like I was then they are the only ways to achieve gains.

Even if you are thinking of surgical penis enlargement, penis traction devices are needed with surgery to get significant results. More importantly, you need to find a penis traction device that will stay comfortably in place like the Phallosan Forte or the Total Man System.
I wasted my time and money when I had surgical penis enlargement because I didn’t have a penis traction device that would stay in place comfortably for long enough to work. I eventually found penis traction devices and achieved my penis enlargement results.
If you are desperate to get a larger penis like I was (both length and width), you owe it to yourself to try them out. They work and are a fraction of the cost of either surgery or pills over time (which of course do not work). The Total Man System is especially affordable though I used both of these systems and continue to use them to this day.