A study of medical literature on penis enlargement surgery results shows rather disappointing outcomes. These expensive and uncomfortable surgeries usually lead to length gains of less than an inch. So what can a man do when he is desperate for penis enlargement?
Surgical penis enlargement is expensive and of course uncomfortable. Even with these surgeries, maximum outcomes require the use of a penis traction device. While not always convenient to use, these inexpensive devices have been shown to produce similar results without the surgery.
So what can a man who is truly concerned with his penis size do to improve it? What exactly should they expect from penis enlargement surgery? What can they do to maximize their results? And finally, what are penis enlargement surgery alternatives?
Table of Contents
The Penis Enlargement Surgery Study Results
In their groundbreaking study, Marta R. Bizic and Miroslav L. Djordjevic from Children’s Hospital in Belgrade delved into studies on penis enlargement surgery to uncover valuable insights. The researchers explored various surgical techniques to improve both length and girth, shedding light on the realistic outcomes.
By examining a diverse range of cases, the study identified trends in patient satisfaction with penis enlargement surgery. Additionally, it highlighted the importance of proper post-operative procedures to maximize the gains from this surgery.
The main surgical method for penis lengthening studied was suspensory ligament surgery. The research indicated that the results of this type of surgery were less than spectacular with a flaccid length gain of only 0.6-0.8 inches. Erect length gains would be even less significant.

Even with penis enlargement surgery, the study states that all authors recommend the use of a quality penis traction device (aka penis extender) to maximize surgery results. This study confirmed my findings from my penis enlargement surgery.
These minimal results from lengthening surgery call into question the value of this method given the cost, pain, and discomfort of the surgery.

The study did find that improved penis girth was easier to achieve through surgical methods. Grafts, Hyaluronic Acid injections, and fat transplants could result in girth increases of over an inch though there are still risks of complications with this type of surgery including infections.
The results do indicate that surgical penis girth procedures may be of some value to men seeking quick penis girth augmentation though there are some drawbacks. One drawback of surgical penis girth enhancement is that these girth enhancements will feel different than a naturally thick penis.
They are a layer of fat under the skin of the penis and not an increase to the hard shaft of an erect penis. The penis will appear much thicker and even feel thicker but just not the same as a naturally thick penis.
Once again, there are some non-surgical alternatives for penis thickening but they can take longer and be slightly harder to achieve than non-surgical penis lengthening.
Is Penis Enlargement Surgery Worthwhile

As a man that has undergone penis enlargement surgery for length, I can tell you that my results were extremely disappointing. I had very minimal results after spending a ton of money and going through the pain and discomfort of it all.
At the time of my surgery, I had not figured out the whole thing about using a penis traction device. The surgeon tells you to use this device to keep the penis stretched and have it heal in the most extended position following surgery. Without these devices, your penis might even shorten with surgery.
I tried to use the old-fashioned one that my surgeon gave me and had all kinds of problems with it. The old loop or strap ones are so difficult and uncomfortable to use. I could not wear it long enough to get my maximum results from the surgery.

It was only after surgery that I learned about the more advanced Phallosan Forte or the Total Man System devices. These more advanced penis traction devices allow you to wear them comfortably for hours at a time maximizing results. If I had used one of these devices following surgery, I may have had better results.
The girth enhancement penis enlargement surgery results seem much more encouraging for quickly providing real results. Even with these results, I think I would rather proceed with a non-surgical method of penis enlargement.
Why Is Penis Enlargement Surgery Important To Men

For better or worse, society has made the penis the symbol of masculinity. A large penis while not necessary to reproduce is a symbol of sexual prowess and power. Penis size is portrayed as being important in mass media and in the real world.
Doctors will state that penis size is not important but we get a completely different message from society. Additionally, studies indicate that women prefer their sexual partners to have a penis that is significantly longer than the average penis size. See The Penis Size Preference Of Women for more details.
Right or wrong, fair or unfair there is the pressure penis enlargement surgery is something that society reinforces.
This is not to say that penis size is the only thing that women consider or even the most important thing that they look for in a man but it is a factor.
As a man who has successfully increased his penis size. I can tell you that having a larger penis is a huge confidence booster. I put a lot of time and effort into achieving my size gains and can tell you that it was worthwhile for me.
My wife and I are involved in the swinger lifestyle and I have had sex with women due to my penis size who would not have given me the time of day otherwise.
Penis Enlargement Surgery Alternatives

For penis lengthening, there is only one penis enlargement surgery alternative. That is through the use of penis traction devices. Scientific studies have shown that this method provides consistent penis length gains for men. I have personally used these devices to gain almost 2″ in penis length.
You can check out Do Penis Traction Devices work? My Incredible Results for my results and links to pictures.

This method using new devices like the Phallosan Forte or the Total Man System do not provide instantaneous results and they do require a little effort but you should see results within a month. In addition to length gains, you will also see some penis girth increase with these devices as well.
The other alternative to surgical penis enlargement for girth is to use a high-quality penis pump. The scientific studies are lacking in this area but I found amazing results using a high-quality hydro pump like Bathmate. I found these to be much more effective than the old air pump type of penis pump.
Neither one of these devices are quick or easy but they did work for me. I was obsessed with penis enlargement and it may be too much for someone to do if they don’t feel the same way but it is the only good way to get real penis enlargement without surgery.
The Importance Of Your Ability to Get Hard

One thing that is often overlooked in a penis enlargement program is the ability to get and stay hard. Without the ability to get and stay hard, it is so much more difficult to see any size gains. Your sexual health is essential.
Also, what good is a giant penis if you can’t get and stay hard.
You can try some other very effective methods to increase your hardness like Kegel exercises or the most effective method I have tried yet in the Phoenix Device. This device was the key to reversing my sexual decline and increasing my ability to get hard.
The Phoenix Device uses revolutionary Li-ESWT (low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy) to achieve results. The rich and famous have been using this type of treatment for years to improve their sexual health, their ability to get hard, and how they get fully hard. This treatment costs thousands of dollars when delivered in a clinical setting but is now available to use in the privacy of your home for a fraction of the price.
Whatever method you use to achieve your results, do not ignore your sexual health. It is a vital component of any proven at-home penis enlargement program.