After four years, I have almost achieved my penis enlargement goals. But I do remember the frustration, the wasted time, and the wasted money along the way. It took me a while to figure out what was available for options and what worked. So what is available for penis enlargement doctors and options in Vermont?
Vermont does have very few penis enlargement doctors and options available. There are no surgical or dermal filler options available in Vermont so you will have to travel for those options. People in Vermont do have access to at-home methods, a GAINSWave provider, and a P-Shot provider.
So let’s take a look at what actually is available in Vermont, where you can go for procedures, and what actually works for penis enlargement. I will give you some of my personal experiences that may help you make some better-informed decisions on how you go about achieving your goals.
Table of Contents
Surgical and Dermal Filler Penis Enlargement Doctors In Vermont
There are not any surgical or dermal filler doctors for penis enlargement in the state of Vermont. These doctors can be accessed through low-cost passenger airline routes out of Vermont. These routes offer daily travel to cities with known penis enlargement surgeons (see the section below).
Just a quick word of warning about penis enlargement surgery. It is not as quick and easy as it may sound. There will be a recovery time involved and the results can at times be underwhelming.
I have yet to find a surgeon that will guarantee increases in the erect length of the penis. You can definitely get increases in the penis circumference and even increases in the flaccid penis length. But those erect length gains are hard to come by.
If you would like to see a list of the different types of penis enlargement procedures along with average costs and my surgical results, please check out Types of Penis Enlargement Procedures: Average Costs and My Results.
Vermont Penis Enlargement Flight/Travel Options
The table below lists flight options out of Vermont airports to known locations with penis enlargement doctors and options. Most surgeries are day surgeries so you would be looking at arriving on one day and returning home the following day.
Vermont City | Cities with Surgical Penis Enlargement Providers | Daily non-stop Flights by |
Burlington | New York City Area | American, United, Delta |
Burlington | Philadelphia, PA area | American |
Burlington | Washington DC/Virginia area | American, United |
Burlington | Miami, FL area | Frontier |
Burlington | Atlanta, GA area | Delta |
The At Home Option
The search for penis enlargement doctors and options in Vermont does not provide much for results. If you are unable or unwilling to travel, there are some very effective methods that you can do from anywhere. In the end, I found these to be the most effective methods. Check out the What Will Work for Penis Enlargement section to find out more.
Vermont Doctors for Erection Quality
The most important part of any penis enlargement program is your erection quality. Good erections bring blood to your penis that allows it to heal and grow with any enlargement program. Without these erections, your penis cannot grow and may actually shrink over time.
Whether you live in Vermont or any other state, your first step should be the same. If you are suffering from poor erection quality, you need to visit a doctor.
Poor erection quality can be a symptom of some major health concerns and anyone would be foolish not to get this checked out. The family doctor can give you access to prescription medication such as Viagra or Cialis.
These prescription medications may or may not work for you. Either way, they will not help you with your penis enlargement goals. For this, you need the long-lasting nightly erections that come with proper blood flow.
You need to get to the root cause of your poor erection quality. If it is diabetes, you need to get that under control. If it is high blood pressure, you need to work on that. Whatever it is, you can’t work on penis enlargement until this is done.
Once you are working on this, you can begin working on the damage that has been done. There are a couple of options for this. There are GAINSWave treatments, PRP shots, or my favorite the Phoenix device.
GAINSWave Doctors in Vermont
Basically, GAINSWave is a non-surgical alternative for erectile dysfunction. They use acoustic wave (shockwave) therapy to treat the main cause of erectile dysfunction which is blood flow. The term “shockwave therapy” may sound scary but trust me in saying that it is no big deal.
These acoustic waves break up plaque that is hindering the blood flow in the penis. The waves also stimulate the formation of new blood vessels that can help with erection quality.
I am not a doctor so I am not going to try to explain the whole thing. But I can tell you that it does work. Very shortly after beginning my GAINSWave treatments, I began to experience much firmer and fuller erections. You can read the full review here.
The main drawback to this treatment is the cost. To see good results you will need to receive 6-12 treatments. The cost is usually $500 per treatment or packages of 6 for $2000. This can very quickly become serious money as most men need maintenance treatments after the initial group of treatments.
This is the main reason that I switched to the Phoenix device which utilizes the same technology for a fraction of the price.
Vermont GAINSWave Doctor Table
Unfortunately, Vermont only has one GAINSWave provider and no other shockwave providers. The information for the GAINSWave is in the table below.
GAINSWave Provider | Address | Phone Number |
North Branch Health | 7 Court St, Montpelier, VT 05602 | (802) 613-0909 |
PRP and Priapus Shot Doctors Vermont
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment is a great option to improve erection quality. PRP is now used in a number of medical areas such as sports injuries, wound care, and cosmetic procedures. Studies have shown that it is effective in helping tissue to heal.
PRP is collected from your own blood and injected into the penis. Once the PRP is injected into the penis, it breaks down and releases growth factors that help the penis cells to repair themselves. It basically triggers your body to concentrate healing on that area.
I have received a type of PRP treatment known as the P-Shot and I found it to be very helpful for erection quality. Of the PRP therapies available, I would recommend the P-shot as it has some other additives in it that may enhance penis growth. There is more information on the Priapus Shot (P-shot) below.
You can read my entire review on PRP and the P-Shot treatment here.
Vermont PRP Doctor Table
Unfortunately, Vermont does not have any general PRP doctors for erection quality. There is however a P-Shot provider available in the section below.
Vermont Doctors for P-Shot Thickening Procedures
Vermont does have one provider that does offer the Priapus Shot (P-shot) which can result in penis thickening. The P-shot is basically an improved version of the PRP shot that offers all of the benefits of the PRP treatment plus penis enlargement.
The PRP in the Priapus shot improves blood flow to the penis, resulting in stronger, longer, and more sustainable erections. In addition to PRP, the Priapus shot also contains all natural fillers. These safe and effective natural ingredients combine to not only help you achieve better erections, but also increase the size of your penis
I have personally tried out the P-shot and found that it was a useful treatment for both increasing penis thickness and improving erection quality.
This procedure is expensive. It is usually around $1500 to have this done by the doctor.
This non-surgical treatment is definitely worth checking out but it does require you to utilize a vacuum pump after treatment to achieve maximum results.
The doctor will usually give you a low-end vacuum pump following the procedure but I recommend that you get a high-quality pump like the Bathmate pump. It makes no sense to spend over $1000 on a procedure and not maximize your results because you used a cheap pump.
You can read my complete review and summary of my experience here.
Table of P-Shot providers in Vermont
The table below contains information for Vermont providers of the P-Shot.
Priapus Shot Provider | Address | Phone Number |
North Branch Health | 7 Court St, Montpelier, VT 05602 | (802) 613-0909 |
The Vermont Options
There are not very many penis enlargement doctors or options in Vermont but there is still hope. Vermont does have flights to areas that have all types of penis enlargement doctors and options.
Vermont does provide more options for erection quality. The state does have one provider of GAINSWave treatments. The Priapus shots are also available which can give you better erection quality in addition to penis thickening.
Of course. you can check out the section below to see what other penis enlargement options are available. I got my best results by taking the routes listed below. I hope you found this guide useful. Contact me with any questions and I will do my best to get back to you.
What Will Work for Penis Enlargement
First of all, you do not need to obsess about penis size as it is not the most important thing for most sexual partners. But many guys can’t help but worry about penis size. Fortunately, you can improve the size of your penis and your erection.
Unfortunately, there are not any quick and easy ways for a man to improve his penis size but there is some hope. No magic pills will make a penis larger but there are techniques and devices that will enlarge the penis over time with a little effort.
There are three areas that a man can work on to improve his penis size. These areas are erection quality, penis length, and penis thickness.
Erection Quality
The most important thing to work on is erection quality. This does not actually make your penis larger but good erection quality will make your penis look and feel larger to your partner.
We all know about pharmaceutical methods like Viagra and Cialis but these pills do not work for everyone and they do have some potential side effects. For the best erection quality, I suggest that you give acoustic wave therapy a try.
This relatively new treatment is truly a game-changer. The Phoenix device uses acoustic wave therapy to address the primary cause of ED, which is impaired blood flow to the penis. It does not just mask the damage as erectile dysfunction pills do.

With the new Phoenix device, you can now receive this revolutionary treatment at home. Before you can undertake a penis enlargement program you will need to make sure that you have consistent erection quality including spontaneous and nocturnal erections.
Penis Length
If your goal is to lengthen your penis, you really only have one option. Penis traction devices are the only method that has been shown in scientific studies to lengthen the penis.
Even penis enlargement surgery requires the use of these traction devices to achieve erect length gains. This is not a quick or easy technique but it is the only one that works. I have personally used these systems to gain over an inch in penis length.
To learn more about penis traction devices check out Do Penis Traction Devices work? for more information. For the top two traction devices available, you can check out the Phallosan Forte or the Total Man System.
Penis Girth
Many women find penis girth to be much more important than penis length. You have a few options to increase penis girth. The easiest but most expensive is cosmetic procedures using dermal fillers like Juvederm. Of course, cosmetic procedures do have risks associated with them.
A more natural method to add girth is the penis traction devices mentioned above. They can add on some girth over time. For another natural method, I would suggest using a high-quality penis pump like the Bathmate series. I utilized my Bathmate pump in addition to my penis traction devices to obtain some fantastic penis size gains.
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